Disclosure Statement
The information below is important and is disclosed by Fundme Limited trading as “FundMe”.
Fundme Limited trading as “FundMe”is a registered Financial Service Provider and is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register - FSP1005055
In this declaration, “Fundme”, “we” or “us” means FundMe Limited T/A Fundme, and its related entities, successors, assigns, agents and associates, and “you” means the person completing this application, each person named in this application, each guarantor of any loan made to you and any authorized person or beneficial owner of the borrower or any guarantor of any loan made to you (as applicable).
Regulated Financial Advice
We do not provide financial advice services in relation to credit contracts we arrange. Our services in relation to such credit contracts are limited to helping you to access and apply for them including confirming whether you may meet eligibility requirements for such loans.
We do not provide financial advice services in relation to credit contract insurance (including insurance referred to on our website). Where we provide services in relation to credit contract insurance, our services are limited to helping you to access and to apply for insurance including confirming whether you may meet eligibility criteria for such insurance.
We provide financial services in relation to credit contracts from the following lenders
Finance Now
Heartland Bank
Geneva Finance
Prospa Finance
Financial Holdings Ltd
Broadland Finance
Flexi Commercial
Fundme Premium Finance
We provide services in relation to insurance Products from the following insurance companies
Janssen Insurance
Assurance Insurance
In most cases, our fees will be added to the total loan amount and will be paid to us by the lender, when you take out the loan. We charge fees for some non-advised services. We will advise you of those fees separately.
No fee is payable if you do not enter into a personal loan arranged by us.
If you take out a credit contract arranged by us (whether we provide financial advice services or not), we will charge you a fee of between $0 and $1,000.00 GST inclusive if GST applies for consumer loans or 1.5% of the net loan amount on commercial loans.
We reserve the right to charge a fee when arranging contracts including but not limited to; new loans, loan variations etc.
We may receive a commission from the provider when you take out a loan through our service. The commission amounts will vary depending on the provider and the type of loan.
The commission is dependent on the amount borrowed, interest rate charged and term of your loan.
Prioritizing your interests above our own is our imperative. We follow a process that ensures any service provided on our behalf is based on your relevant personal circumstances and objectives.
Our Complaints Process
Fundme Limited is committed to providing a consistently good standard of service. If you feel we have not lived up to your expectations or are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, please let us know,
In writing:
Complaints Manager
Fundme Limited
28 Tosswill Road, Prebbleton 7604
via email:
Complaints e-mail: complaints@fundme.nz
When we receive a complaint, we will consider it under our following internal complaints process:
Within five working days, we will provide a written acknowledgement of your complaint and give you the details of who is handling your complaint and how to contact them.
Within ten working days of receiving your complaint, we will write to you with our final response. Where a claim relates to more complex matters we may need to extend that timeframe, which we will do by writing to you within that ten working days.
If our internal complaints process cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact our approved dispute resolution scheme, Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL).
Our FSCL member number is 9041
FSCL provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint. You can contact FSCL as follows:
Postal Address: PO Box 5967, Wellington 6140.
Phone: 0800 347 257
E-mail: complaints@fscl.org.nz
Website: fscl.org.nz